Circle Mirror Transformation
A Note from the Director:
When I was a child, I took an acting class similar to this one. We also laid on the floor in the dark while counting to ten. My mother thought it was one of the stupidest things she had ever seen. She will not let me live it down to this day. We as actors have all taken a class like this at some point: an off-kilter, slightly kooky class full of improv exercises and walking around the room “in character”. It’s easy to dismiss classes like this as silly and useless, but without those experiences at classes like this one, I don’t know that I would be the artist I am today. That’s why this play is so important to me: whether you’re just starting your theatre journey or you’ve been a veteran actor for many years, small classes like the one portrayed in this play are crucial in keeping theatre alive. This is an awkward play. It’s full of awkward silences, awkward exchanges, and awkward laughter. Most people want to shy away from that feeling, but I’ve lived in it all my life. I was so excited to get to dive into the awkwardness of this play. As audience members, I want to encourage you to relish the awkwardness. These characters are not perfect people- they are flawed and hurt and complicated. Their journeys from week one to week six are fascinating, and I’m honored to share those journeys with you.
~Natalie Joritz
Cast List
Principle Characters
Marty, Lexi Lang
Schultz, Opossum Kreuscher
Lauren, Lauren Price
Theresa, Mackenzie Ludwig
James, Jadon Muñiz
Production/Creative Team
Director, Natalie Joritz
Production Stage Manager, Hannah Lewis
Assistant Stage Manager/Scenic Charge/Props, Sam Barker
Set Designer, Jer Marshall
Costumes Designer, Lexy Saxon
Lighting Designer, Lexi Lang and Kyleigh Clark
Light Board Operator, Kyleigh Clark
Props, Opossum Kreuscher
Sound Designer/Marketing, Melaina Brostenianc
Hair & Makeup, Mackenzie Ludwig
Box Office and Front of House Manager, Krista Hagans
Meet the Cast

Lauren Price she/her (Lauren) is thrilled to be in her first black-box show at Heidelberg! Lauren is a freshman Musical Theater and Music double major. She was recently seen in Measure For Measure (Marianna) and Fiorello! (Nina). Lauren has previously done theater at Carnation City Players. Some of her past roles include Newsies (Warden Snyder), Honk! Jr (Grace), Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Croupier), and many other shows. She is also a member of the Heidelberg University Marching Band and concert choir. Lauren would like to thank her family, friends, and professors for their endless support!

Mackenzie Ludwig She/Her (Theresa/Head of Hair/Makeup) is a first-year student, and she is so excited to be in her first student-directed show at Heidelberg! She was previously in Fiorello and Measure for Measure here at Heidelberg. Before that she was in Pride and Prejudice (Elizabeth Bennet) and Annie (Lily St. Regis) at Eisenhower High School. Circle Mirror Transformation takes the audience on an emotional journey with the beautiful chaotic characters and she hopes everyone enjoys the show as much as she does!

Jadon Muñiz He/Him (James) is a Senior this year at Heidelberg University. He is majoring in Theatre with a concentration in Acting as well as majoring in Business Management. Jadon is excited to be a part of this amazing production with all these amazing people. He would like to thank his parents and brother for their constant love and support. Jadon has performed various roles at Heidelberg, his favorites being: Sebastion in Cinderella, Father in Eurydice, Smee in Wendy and Peter Pan, Spooky Dog in Spooky Dog, and Morris Cohen in Fiorello.

Opossum Kreuscher They/He (Schultz) is excited to perform in their first black box show ever. This is his third Heidelberg show. He also did props for this production. They have previously performed in shows such as Heathers (Heather Duke), 12 Angry Jurors (Juror 3), and others. Opossum would like to thank his parents for supporting his passion for theater and being there for him.

Lexi Lang She/Her (Marty) is happy to be back in the Black Box this spring. She has had roles such as Fiorello! (Thea), Chicago (Mary Sunshine), Pride and Prejudice (Mary Bennet), and Spongebob SquarePants: The Musical (The Mayor of Bikini Bottom). Lexi is also one of the lighting designers for the production, but typically she does Hair and Makeup. She is the current Lead Hair and Makeup Specialist for the school of Music and Theater. Lexi would like to thank her friends and family, the production team/leaders, the director Natalie Joritz, Susan Hlavinka, Karla Kash, Dr. Carol Dusdeiker, and Michael Shirtz for believing in her and helping her grow as an artist.
Meet the Crew

Natalie Joritz She/Her (Director) is thrilled to be directing this wonderful show. She is a senior musical theatre major from Garfield Heights, Ohio. This is her first time directing a full production, and she couldn’t ask for a better team to do it with. You can catch her in April as Sara Jane Moore in Assassins on the main stage. Outside of theatre, Natalie is a member of Zeta Theta Psi, Studio 2 Stage, Alpha Psi Omega, the Euglossian Society (Euglo), the Make-A-Scene improv troupe, and the honors program. Love goes out to her friends and family for all their support, her production team for making this show possible, and her youth theatre director Justin Steck for teaching her how to be not only a great director, but a great person as well. Enjoy the show!

Melaina Brostenianc She/Her (Marketing/Sound Designer) is a Freshman Theatre Production major at Heidelberg University. She has been involved in Heidelberg's production of Fiorello! as the Assistant Stage Manager and Endgame as the Sound Designer/Operator/Marketing. Previously she was involved in productions at The Warren Consolidated School of Performing Arts, Freaky Friday (Grandma Helene/Marketing), Newsies Jr. (Sound Board Operator/Marketing), 12 Angry Jurors (Foreman/Marketing), She Kills Monsters (Sound Board Operator/Marketing). Melaina is extremely excited and grateful for all her experiences thus far.

Krista Hagans She/Her is a Senior at Heidelberg University. She is currently working on her Theater degree with a concentration in acting and a minor in business. Krista was last seen as Tink in Wendy and Peter Pan and she is currently the manager of the front house and box office. She would like to thank her Mom and Dad, roommate, and friends back home in Dayton for their continued support. Enjoy the show!!!

Lexy Saxon She/They Costume Designer Lexy is a junior theater production major at Heidelberg University. She is no stranger to the world of production, but this is her first time being seen on the costuming side. Lexy can usually be found at the light board, but she is super excited to try something new! She would like to thank her friends and family for always supporting her, and Natalie for taking a chance on letting her costume design.